High-speed steel circular saw blade with titanium coating for cutting metal in United Arab Emirates

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Tc tooth saw blade TFI Co UAE

saw blade manufacturer company tfico provides high quality saw blades for metal industry

Precision Crafted Steel Blades

TFICO is a saw blade manufacturer that specializes in providing high-quality saw blades for the metal industry. Our blades are made from premium alloy steel and are crafted with precision CNC machines, ensuring top-notch quality for the cutting process in steel fabrications in United Arab Emirates, Dubai.

Wide Range of Blade Types

We manufacture various types of steel blades, including saw blades and cold saw blades. The material used for our blades is high-speed steel with codes M05 or M35, along with an HSS coating of titanium. Moreover, the edges of our blades can also be made from tungsten carbide for enhanced durability.

Mass Production for Factories

TFICO produces steel blades in mass quantities to cater to the needs of factories. If you require high-quality steel blades at very affordable prices, we encourage you to get in touch with us. You can reach us through the chat button at the corner of this page, the contact us form on our website, or simply by scanning the QR code provided on our page.

View List of Cold Saw Blades
Tc tooth saw blade TFI Co UAE

Titanium coated saw blades UAE tfico