Tag: TFI Supplier, Bending Instrument, CNC Sheet Bending Machines, Hammerle CNC machines, Hydraulic-powered bending machines, Company TFI, TFI Co., TFI CO., 1720797919

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Hammerle CNC Hydraulic Bending Machine Tool for Middle East Market

TFI Supplier of Bending Instrument for CNC Sheet Bending Machines

Company TFI is a supplier of bending instruments for CNC sheet bending machines, including tools for Hammerle CNC machines. With over 60 years of experience, we have been manufacturing steel blades and bending instruments since 1965. Our expertise lies in producing high-precision bending tools for hydraulic-powered bending machines.

We specialize in crafting accurate and precise bending punches and bending matrices for sheet bending machines. Our products cater to famous brands from Europe, Turkey, China, and the United States of America. TFI supplies a wide range of instruments for different types and designs of bending machines manufactured globally. If you have any inquiries in the Middle East, do not hesitate to contact us.

Manufacturing Tools for Hammerle Machines

At Company TFI, we manufacture tools specifically designed for Hammerle machines. Our bending instruments come with clamping mechanisms that are suitable for Hammerle machines, ensuring a seamless integration and optimal performance.

Hammerle punch bending metal sheet UAE Saudi Egypt TFI Co.

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